International Orders

We ship worldwide via USPS and FedEx. International shipping costs vary and the customer is responsible for all Customs fees. Since we do not know these fees upfront, we cannot notify you of them during checkout and they will be your responsibility.

International shipping dates can not be guaranteed due to variables such as customs delays. (FedEx offers faster, more reliable shipments with more up-to-date tracking than USPS.)

Shipping and handling charges are based on the initial shipment value and size. Options may vary depending on destination and items selected. Some items require additional shipping time.

We do our very best to protect the privacy and security of our customers. With the increasing number of international credit card fraud cases, we take a few extra precaution steps with international orders. These will help us validate your identity and credit card information.

You can simply email us with the appropriate information or you are welcome to call us at 888-362-7123.

  1. Please provide the name of the bank that issued the credit card.
  2. Please provide the phone number to the issuing bank provided on the card. This is generally found on the back of the card as a customer service number or a number to call in the event the card is lost or stolen.
  3. Please provide the full name as printed on the card including any business name.
  4. Please specify if the products ordered are for personal or business use.

Please note that we cannot process your order until this information is received and validated. Once you have responded with the correct information, validation usually is accomplished within 12 - 24 hours at which point your order would ship.

If further information is required, we will email you letting you know what the next step is.

If you have general questions about the delivery of your order, please contact us.